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Physician Chemical Peel

Chemical Peels were initially used by Cleopatra in the form of sour milk (lactic acid) to give her glowing, soft skin and were invented for commercial use in the 1800s. The removal of dead, damaged cells allows the healthy hydrated cells to come to the surface. As the chemical peel advanced, it had been evolved to treat acne, acne scars, sun-damage, age spots/hyperpigmentation, large pores, rough patches, fine lines, wrinkles, and to prevent skin cancer. The depth of the chemical peel is determined by the provider based on your overall goals.

In order to ensure the most potent and beneficial treatment, Dr. Atkins compounds her own specialty chemical peel formulas. TCA, Alpha-Hydroxy-Acid and Beta-Hydroxy-Acid are the main two classifications. There are several types of chemical peels to optimize your treatment and provide the least amount of downtime. Chemical peels are also used to reduce the chance of skin cancer.

image of skin

Types of  Chemical Peels

  • Glycolic Acid: AHA derived from sugar cane. This peel increases blood flow to the surface increasing collagen and elastin production while exfoliating rough, keratinized skin.

  • Lactic Acid: AHA derived from sour milk. This mild approach to the chemical peel gently removes built-up skin while also increasing overall hydration. Normally, Lactic Acid yields little to no downtime.

  • Salicylic Acid: BHA derived from wintergreen. The most common treatment for acne and blemishes is Salicylic Acid. It has pentrates oily skin and has anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Jessner's Peel: Combines Salicylic, Lactic, and Glycolic to create an AHA/BHA success. Actively breaks apart desmosomes in the skin to help slough off skin and reduce hyperpigmentation.

  • Resorcinal/Phenol: Ingredient in Jessner Peel that aids in achieving the proper depth.

  • Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA): Immediately exfoliates upon interaction with the skin. TCA is ideal for removing skin imperfections and precancerous cell. It is also very effective in removing fine lines and wrinkles.

Recovery Time

Superficial peels often leave redness for the day of the treatment with little to no flaking. Medium Peels can leave prolonged redness with sloughing, flaking, and occasionally blisters. Pain control and applied dressings may be necessary for deep peels as they can expose deep layers of skin that are sensitive and tender.

chemical peel


Dr. Debra Atkins performs all medium to deep peels at Physicians Aesthetics. All other peels are done by licensed Aestheticians who are overseen by Dr. Atkins. IV therapy can be added to this treatment to plump the skin and speed up the healing process. Schedule an appointment online or call 678-213-2220.

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