Cosmetic Surgery
With a focus in Cosmetic Dermatology, Dr. Atkins uses her aesthetic eye to contour and perfect the face and body. She is a renowned Dermatologist with offices in East Cobb, Marietta and Buckhead, Atlanta Georgia. Her surgical specialties include SmartLipo, Transfer/Laser LipolysisTM (liposuction), Silhouette Instalift, Thermitight, Blephroplasty, Cyst Removal, and Aesthetically-Driven Biopsies. The surgical center is located in the East Cobb office and is staffed by Dr. Atkins highly trained surgical team.
Dr. Atkins personally trains each member of the clinical team ensuring safe effective procedures. Each member is required to complete observation and training hours prior to assisting in any and all procedures at Physicians Aesthetics. They are all in agreeance that medicine is a learning profession and continue to study and learn under Dr. Atkins. For those curious about non-invasive procedures, the office currently houses 15 lasers for Face, Neck, and Body.
For more detailed information about the Cosmetic Surgery practices here at Physicians Aesthetics, please select a link below: